Translation Services: English to Polish

I have almost 25 years of expe­rien­ce in writ­ten trans­la­tion from English to Polish and have trans­la­ted over ten books and coun­tless websites.

As a writ­ten trans­la­tor (and a pri­va­te per­son), I am most inte­re­sted in:
• new para­digm spi­ri­tu­ali­ty (such as The Gene Keys, The Sophia Code, Matt Kah­n’s trans­mis­sions etc.)
• Bud­dhism
• art 
• astro­lo­gy
• new para­digm psy­cho­lo­gy
• holi­stic and alter­na­ti­ve medi­ci­ne
• lite­ra­tu­re for chil­dren and adults, espe­cial­ly fan­ta­sy and scien­ce fiction


So Far, I Have Translated…

Gdańsk Psy­cho­lo­gi­cal Publi­shing House (Gdań­skie Wydaw­nic­two Psy­cho­lo­gicz­ne)
•  David Clar­ke, Pro-Social and Anti-Social Beha­vio­ur (Zacho­wa­nia pro­spo­łecz­ne i anty­spo­łecz­ne)
•  Patri­cia O. Quinn, Judith M. Stern, Put­ting on the Bra­kes (Włą­czyć hamul­ce)
•  The Use and Abu­se of Power (Wła­dza. Poku­sy i zagro­że­nia), John A. Bargh, Annet­te Y. Lee-Chai) — co-translation

Berzin Archi­ves ( — trans­la­tion of 23 artic­les by dr. Ale­xan­der Berzin. Some exam­ples:
•  The Four Tho­ughts that Turn the Mind to the Dhar­ma (Czte­ry myśli zwra­ca­ją­ce umysł ku dhar­mie), Envy:  Dealing with Distur­bing Emo­tions (Zawiść. Radze­nie sobie z zakłó­ca­ją­cy­mi emo­cja­mi), Spre­ad of Bud­dhism in Asia (Roz­prze­strze­nia­nie się bud­dy­zmu w Azji)

Gene Keys Pol­ska — trans­la­tion of two books, vario­us artic­les and one onli­ne cour­se:
Richard Rudd, The Art of Con­tem­pla­tion: A Gen­tle Path to Who­le­ness and Pro­spe­ri­ty (Sztu­ka kon­tem­pla­cji. Łagod­na ścież­ka do dobro­by­tu)
Richard Rudd, The Gene Keys. Embra­cing Your Higher Pur­po­se —  two thirds of the book (for­ty Gene Keys, The Glos­sa­ry of Self-Empo­wer­ment and  almost all of the pio­ne­ering ter­mi­no­lo­gy rese­arch for the book)
Richard Rudd, The Acti­va­tion Sequ­en­ce (Sekwen­cja Akty­wa­cji) — onli­ne cour­se, part of The Gol­den Path
Richard Rudd, The Venus Sequ­en­ce: Meeting the Divi­ne Femi­ni­ne (Sekwen­cja Wenus. Spo­tka­nie z boską kobie­co­ścią), The Five Neces­si­ties (Pięć rze­czy nie­zbęd­nych do życia), Seven Myths abo­ut Money (7 mitów zwią­za­nych z pie­niędz­mi) — articles

Khan­dro Publi­shing House (Wydaw­nic­two “Khan­dro”)
•  Pema Chödrön, No Time to Lose: A Time­ly Guide to the Way of the Bodhi­sat­tva (Nie ma chwi­li do stra­ce­nia. Prze­wod­nik po ścież­ce bodhi­sat­twy) — co-trans­la­tion

Red Ele­phant Publi­shing House (Wydaw­nic­two “Czer­wo­ny Słoń”)
•  Bar­ry Sears, The Zone (Die­ta stre­fo­wa) — inter­na­tio­nal best­sel­ler on rese­ting our gene­tic code by heal­thy eating

SDL Poland Sp. z o.o. / Stu­dio Gam­bit Ltd. / Mora­via IT Sp. z o.o. (the big­gest softwa­re loca­li­za­tion agen­cies in Poland) — trans­la­tion of websi­te con­tent, marketing/business mate­rials and user manu­als for giants like Micro­soft, Pay­Pal or Google (it was a looong time ago… but it tau­ght me some very valu­able lessons)

Dio­ece­sian Publi­shing and Prin­ting House in San­do­mierz (Wydaw­nic­two Die­ce­zjal­ne w San­do­mie­rzu) — children’s books:
•  Amy Ste­ed­man, Nur­se­ry Tales (Naj­pięk­niej­sze baj­ki)
•  Abbie Far­well Brown, The Book of Saints and Frien­dly Beasts (Świę­ci przy­ja­cie­le zwie­rząt. Fascy­nu­ją­ce opo­wie­ści o świętych)

Natio­nal Museum in Kra­kow — vario­us short texts on the histo­ry of art

INTERLANG Trans­la­tion Agen­cy — trans­la­tion of vario­us short texts and a cookbook

My Own Literary Output

Myth and Magic in The Ear­th­sea Series by Ursu­la K. Le Guin — my maste­r’s the­sis was publi­shed by Gdań­ski Klub Fan­ta­sty­ki as part of the series The Ana­to­my of Fan­ta­sy (Ana­to­mia fantastyki)

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