Expressing Yourself through
Art Collages

Cre­ating paper art col­la­ges has beco­me one of my gre­atest pas­sions. This has natu­ral­ly lead me to offe­ring col­la­ge work­shops and indi­vi­du­al les­sons to others so that they also could expe­rien­ce the joys of play­ing with this won­der­ful art technique.

Collage as Art Technique

This art tech­ni­que gives eve­ry­bo­dy a chan­ce to “paint”, even to tho­se who think they don’t have any arti­stic talents. It allows us to express our inner life, our emo­tions and dre­ams in a visu­al form. Words can’t express eve­ry­thing we feel.

Col­la­ge – tech­ni­que of an art pro­duc­tion, pri­ma­ri­ly used in the visu­al arts, whe­re the artwork is made from an assem­bla­ge of dif­fe­rent forms, thus cre­ating a new who­le. A col­la­ge may  inc­lu­de maga­zi­ne and new­spa­per clip­pings, rib­bons, paint, bits of colo­red or hand­ma­de papers, por­tions of other artwork or texts, pho­to­gra­phs and other found objects, glu­ed to a pie­ce of paper or canvas. The word col­la­ge comes from the French: col­ler, “to glue”.  (Sour­ce: Wikipedia)

Art Collage Workshops for Adults

Soon I will be offe­ring aga­in art col­la­ge work­shops for adults – we will be cre­ating col­la­ges on a cho­sen the­me. The­me examples:

• Inner Queen and Inner King
• Uncha­in your­self thro­ugh the wis­dom of your body
• Holy anger: Anger as your ally
Gifts of silen­ce
• Com­pass of the heart: Abo­ut wise choices


I saw Milena’s art col­la­ge work­shop ad on Face­bo­ok quite by acci­dent. “Why not? I’ve always wan­ted to cre­ate art col­la­ges”, I tho­ught. For­tu­na­te­ly, I deci­ded to take a chan­ce. Imme­dia­te­ly I got deeply engros­sed in the pro­cess of cre­ating my very first art col­la­ge! I have to admit Milena’s appro­ach as a men­tor was cru­cial. For a long time I haven’t met any­one so mysti­cal, posi­ti­ve and enco­ura­ging, who would so easi­ly “infect” others with her pas­sion. Sure­ly, my own col­la­ges will be quite dif­fe­rent, yet my gre­atest disco­ve­ry was the new way to express myself, so skil­l­ful­ly shown to me by Milena! 

Art Collage Workshops for Children

Soon I will be offe­ring aga­in work­shops for chil­dren (abo­ut 2 hours,  gro­ups up to 5 – 6 kids).

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