Contemplating with The Gene Keys
Dreaming with The Dream Arc

This page is just bud­ding so ple­ase bear with me. I’m going to wri­te abo­ut some verr­ry dif­fi­cult topics and am still in the pro­cess of lear­ning how to do it with per­so­nal inte­gri­ty and dignity.

Disc­la­imer: I am not a Gene Keys Guide.  I sim­ply fell deeply in love with the Gene Keys whi­le trans­la­ting into Polish some of the core mate­rials of the trans­mis­sion. The trans­mis­sion quite lite­ral­ly over­to­ok me, I could­n’t leave it even if I wan­ted (and I don’t.)

The­re was a time when I real­ly, real­ly wan­ted to join the ranks of the Gene Keys Guides, but my finan­ces were the pro­blem (and still are). Then a badass storm hap­pe­ned…  And I reali­zed this: my ulti­ma­te goal is not to beco­me any­thing or any­bo­dy, inc­lu­ding a Gene Keys Guide, but to free myself from ance­stral bon­da­ge and ful­ly re-remem­ber my own Divi­ne sove­re­ign­ty. Pre­fer­ra­bly, with the use of the Gene Keys. Some­ti­mes titles are not the sign of embo­died wis­dom but lead to une­ar­ned enti­tle­ments. I want to make sure I per­so­nal­ly will not fall into this trap. 

To find out which parts I’ve trans­la­ted into Polish, ple­ase visit:

What Are The Gene Keys and The Dream Arc?

The Gene Keys:

The Gene Keys are a grand syn­the­sis of prac­ti­cal wis­dom to help guide you to a deeper under­stan­ding of your­self and your true poten­tial. Like a pre­cio­us tre­asu­re map, they invi­te you on a jour­ney of self disco­ve­ry to find the true higher pur­po­se of your life.”

Richard Rudd, The Gene Keys. Embra­cing your higher purpose 

The Dre­am Arc:

A rich and high­ly uni­que jour­ney desi­gned to expand your cre­ati­vi­ty, unlock your intu­iti­ve wis­dom and con­nect you to the deep ance­stral power of the earth and her creatures.”


Decoding My Artwork with The Gene Keys and The Dream Arc: My Personal Contemplations

The Gene Keys have pro­ven to be incre­di­bly help­ful to me in decryp­ting the mes­sa­ges hid­den in my chan­ne­led art col­la­ges. Also, some­ti­mes I spon­ta­ne­ously chan­nel artwork whi­le reading the Gene Keys books/materials. I disco­ve­red I had inter­wo­ven the Gene Keys into the fabric of my artwork long befo­re I con­scio­usly learnt abo­ut the­ir exi­sten­ce! How is that possi­ble? To find out, I enco­ura­ge you to watch Richard Rudd’s video on ter­mas (hid­den tre­asu­res) and ter­tons (tre­asu­re-reve­alers):

Below are some of the the­mes I’ve been explo­ring with the help of the Gene Keys, espe­cial­ly thro­ugh the lens of the Gene Keys men­tio­ned in the brac­kets. The­se Gene Keys may not seem obvio­us cho­ices for the sub­ject mat­ter but, obvio­usly, I’m looking at things thro­ugh the lens of my own Holo­ge­ne­tic Pro­fi­le and my own lived expe­rien­ces. At some point the­se topics will beco­me blog posts, and then pro­ba­bly chap­ters of my The Book of Amber. Betwe­en Worlds that is coming, coming, coming into manifestation.

  • Tiger Stre­et 34  / 18 (Gene Keys 3, 18 and 34)
  • Who loves Dau­gh­ters of Kali? Ini­tia­ting thro­ugh destruction
  • Under the eclip­sed sun, or “pur­ging of the prie­stho­od” (Chi­ron, The Woun­ded Healer, and Gene Key 36)
  • Here comes Ms Scis­sors (Atro­pos): Wha­t’s not appre­cia­ted is taken away
  • Heart Assas­sins (Gene Key 3)
  • Black belt in inte­gri­ty: Abo­ut double stan­dards (Gene Key 18)
  • Dark hor­se, late entry: The power of the underdog
  • And her name was 44.4: Kar­mic rela­tion­ships (Gene Key 44, of course)
  • Too much to die, too lit­tle to live: Stuck betwe­en worlds
  • Giving witho­ut enti­tle­ment, rece­iving witho­ut guilt”: Sha­dow giving and sha­dow rece­iving (Gene Key 37)
  • Eyes wide shut”: Abo­ut sca­pe­go­ating (Gene Key 37)
  • Mesme­ri­sing power of “vam­pi­res”: Arche­ty­pal dyna­mics betwe­en “vam­pi­res” and “blo­od donors” (Gene Keys 37 and 40)
  • Via Cre­ati­va: Art for libe­ra­tion. The trans­for­ma­ti­ve power of art
  • Black dress, red dress: Reco­ve­ring Per­se­pho­ne (Gene Key 12)
  • Fan­ta­stic Mr Fox: What are we ready to do to get our own way? (Gene Key 26)
  • Sky­dan­cing: Daki­ni power
  • Gene­ro­us beg­gar: A real-life story
  • Veiled blo­odli­nes (Gene Keys 44 and 32)
  • Is all esca­pe real­ly futi­le? Fate, desti­ny and free will
  • Pat­tern bre­aking: Insi­de job
  • Figh­ting for the rights of the exc­lu­ded: Eris, the Sacred Disrup­ter (Gene Keys 21, 7 and 20)
  • Money, money, money, must be fun­ny in the rich man’s world” (Gene Key 54)
  • Win­dow seat: Tur­ning a blind eye to stay in our own com­fort zone. Abo­ut indif­fe­ren­ce (Gene Key 16)
  • Hun­ger Games: “You eat like this, you will belie­ve any­thing” (the Wound of Sta­rva­tion and the Third Sacred Seal)
  • Never unde­re­sti­ma­te the power of pro­jec­tion (Gene Key 9)
  • War­riors move gra­ce­ful­ly”: Abo­ut true loy­al­ty (Gene Keys 38 and 39)
  • Fie­ry heart, fie­ry mind
  • Sho­oting the mes­sen­ger: Bur­ning people at the sta­ke of our own projections
  • Drun­ken with fake power: The lure of spi­ri­tu­al titles (“Don’t you know who I am?!” attitude)
  • Wil­ling and able to have a lose grip on what I know: Bre­aking away from any dogma
  • The Heart is noble (the Venus Sequ­en­ce in general)
  • May my lips be unse­aled: Rec­la­iming the power of my voice
  • Tse-tse fly, the most dan­ge­ro­us fly in the world”: Abo­ut Core Wound of Shame/Starvation (Gene Key 20.3)

Criss-crossing Your Hologenetic Profile / Human Design Chart with astrological symbols: My Professional Offer

Deta­ils soon. (If curio­us, you can always inqu­ire via e‑mail.)

I’m wil­ling and able to con­nect your per­so­nal Gene Keys/Human Design reports with cer­ta­in astro­lo­gi­cal sym­bols, such as Sabian Sym­bols (ano­ther gre­at pas­sion of mine!), and/or with Angels of the Zodiac (not what you pro­ba­bly think) etc. Accor­ding to my per­so­nal expe­rien­ce, it’s very reve­aling and adds some extra lay­ers of depth and pre­ci­sion to your Gene Keys/Human Design  explorations.

Cur­ren­tly this servi­ce is dona­tion based (pay­ment via Pay Pal).

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