About Me

It’s all about me… me, me, me!
(Just kidding! It’s all about us!)

Milena Bianga

Milena Bianga – tu jako Komandor Floty Międzygalaktycznej
Year 2015, still in my pre-kun­da­li­ni era, just befo­re the sha­ma­nic ill­ness. Here as the Com­mo­do­re of the Inter­ga­lac­tic Fle­et or Agent 44.4 (yeah, I know… delu­sions of grandeur!)

A pro­fes­sio­nal writ­ten trans­la­tor from English to Polish and an edi­tor, but most of all, a self-tau­ght visio­na­ry artist and color-and-form-alche­mist. (Sounds a lit­tle pom­po­us, but it’s just true… I seem to be able to sen­se vibra­tions of colors and forms, and intu­iti­ve­ly grasp rela­tion­ships betwe­en them.) As my art tur­ned out to be ora­cu­lar, I belie­ve at this point I can respon­si­bly descri­be myself as a kind of art orac­le or… an“art scavenger.”

Tho­ugh I’m a loner by natu­ral inc­li­na­tion, I feel I’ve been wal­king the path of the soli­ta­ry heart for faaar too loooong and not always by my con­scio­us cho­ice. Time to chan­ge it. Agent 44.4 is sen­ding an invi­ta­tion: “My True Allies, my Soul Tri­be, come and find me! Do you read me?”

My Inner Artist, ear­ly on aban­do­ned as a poten­tial pro­fes­sio­nal option (I wan­ted to be a fashion/costume desi­gner and/or an inte­rior desi­gner), re-emer­ged une­xpec­te­dly due to spon­ta­ne­ous kun­da­li­ni awa­ke­ning. This sud­den and very power­ful series of shi­fts of con­scio­usness trig­ge­red off a phe­no­me­non known as sha­ma­nic ill­ness and within a few weeks tur­ned my who­le world upsi­de down. This was not a gen­tle invi­ta­tion from Spi­rit to evo­lve. It felt much more like a bru­tal punch in the sto­mach. A wave of shat­te­ring events over­to­ok my life. My loved ones, inc­lu­ding friends and some of my fami­ly mem­bers, were nowhe­re to be found when I needed them the most. Phy­si­cal ina­bi­li­ty to take on a regu­lar job. No means of sup­por­ting myself. Living in a con­stant haste and in a do-do-do mode was no lon­ger an option. Any time I tried to do things the old way, in a hur­ry, excru­cia­ting phy­si­cal pain would reap­pe­ar with a ven­ge­an­ce. It beca­me cry­stal cle­ar to me: if I want to stay ali­ve (I did!), I need to chan­ge my way of doing life com­ple­te­ly.

Rough­ly at the time I star­ted prac­ti­cing a pro­fo­und Bud­dhist dhar­ma cal­led Pra­jña Aka­sa­gar­bha (“wis­dom hid­den in the womb of spa­ce”). And I belie­ve it was this dhar­ma that ope­ned in me the gift for visio­na­ry and arche­ty­pal art. Inspi­ra­tion and visions come to me both when I’m awa­ke and in dre­am sta­tes, always in syn­chro­ny with pla­ne­ta­ry ali­gn­ments. As I con­si­der myself a har­mo­ni­zer and recon­ci­ler, it’s my joy to match seemin­gly mismat­ched ele­ments and give new life to things that seem dama­ged or for some other reason are con­si­de­red use­less. I abhor wasting. At some point I had nothing apart from a gre­at abun­dan­ce of deep trau­mas and soul scars, so I star­ted using my mise­ry to lift myself (and others) up thro­ugh arche­ty­pal art. Doing my best with what I had… This pas­sion for resur­rec­ting and beau­ti­fy­ing things, com­bi­ned with my love and dedi­ca­tion to Spi­rit and Mat­ter, Mother Earth and Father Sky, and to All-Things-Mysti­cal, has orga­ni­cal­ly led me to cho­osing the art col­la­ge tech­ni­que and doing “recyc­led art”. Scis­sors, old maga­zi­nes and old wall calen­dars beca­me my eve­ry­day com­pa­nions. Over the last 8 years of my sha­ma­nic jour­ney, I’ve cre­ated a sys­tem of enco­ded paper art col­la­ges for sha­dow work, pat­tern bre­aking, inner alche­my and soul retrie­val.

My evo­lving pro­fes­sio­nal offer cur­ren­tly includes:

  • my own ener­gy-enco­ded art col­la­ge sys­tem for deep sha­dow work, rec­la­iming the frag­men­ted self, pat­tern bre­aking, inner alche­my and deepe­ning per­so­nal inte­gri­ty (https://creativa.zone/collage-gallery/)
  • trans­la­tion servi­ces (English to Polish) (https://creativa.zone/english-translations/)
  • astro-chart “criss-cros­sing” – I’m wil­ling and able to con­nect your per­so­nal Gene Keys/Human Design reports with cer­ta­in astro­lo­gi­cal sym­bols, such as Sabian Sym­bols (ano­ther gre­at pas­sion of mine!), and/or with Angels of the Zodiac. Accor­ding to my per­so­nal expe­rien­ce, it’s very reve­aling and adds some extra lay­ers of depth to your Gene Keys/Human Design explo­ra­tions. (https://creativa.zone/gene-keys/)
  • art col­la­ge work­shops and indi­vi­du­al les­sons (https://creativa.zone/art-collage-workshops/)

As for my spi­ri­tu­al back­gro­und, for most of my adult life I’ve been prac­ti­cing Tibe­tan and Chi­ne­se Vaj­ray­ana Bud­dhism, yet I also have deep Chri­stian roots. I am part of glo­bal move­ments cen­te­red aro­und the fol­lo­wing living trans­mis­sions: The Gene Keys by Richard Rudd, The Sophia Code by Kaia Ra and All for Love by Matt Kahn. I am an ardent pro­mo­ter and prac­ti­tio­ner of sha­dow work. “No mud, no lotus.”

On a pri­va­te note, I love dan­cing in the com­pa­ny of like-min­ded and like-hear­ted people to the music that moves both my body and my soul. Tho­ugh cur­ren­tly “I dan­ce alo­ne”, in my pre-kun­da­li­ni era, I used to orga­ni­ze cra­aazy fan­cy dress balls. I love to laugh! Here are some pho­tos cap­tu­ring the moments of our dan­ce madness.

Mile­na Bianga

Space Oddyssey 2015: Extraterrestials Live Among Us

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