CREATIVA ZONE: Art Collage Gallery

What we are healing IN OURSELVES, we are hel­ping to trans­form IN ALL

My chan­ne­led paper art col­la­ges are ener­gy-enco­ded and are inten­ded for “gazing con­tem­pla­tion”. You gaze, you trans­form. Having said that, people­’s feed­back sug­ge­sts an oral trans­mis­sion from me is a neces­sa­ry ele­ment of the rewi­ring process.

Toge­ther my art col­la­ges form an ever-evo­lving sys­tem of mysti­cal gates or por­tals. The sys­tem is desi­gned to:

  • assist you in deep sha­dow work (no mud, no lotus!)
  • faci­li­ta­te your self-disco­ve­ry journey
  • help you to trans­form the inner con­flict betwe­en the mascu­li­ne and the femi­ni­ne ener­gies by sup­por­ting bet­ter syn­chro­ni­za­tion of your left (mascu­li­ne) and right (femi­ni­ne) bra­in hemispheres
  • lead you to your gre­ater per­so­nal inte­gri­ty and inner balance
  • help you to gra­du­al­ly re-remem­ber your own sove­re­ign­ty and orga­nic divinity

It all depends on you, your com­mit­ment, and your level of matu­ri­ty, of course.

This gift for visio­na­ry art has ope­ned in me as a result of doing a pro­fo­und Bud­dhist dhar­ma prac­ti­ce cal­led Pra­jña Aka­sa­gar­bha (“wis­dom hid­den in the womb of spa­ce”). My art col­la­ges are down­lo­ads from the Uni­ver­se or “magi­cal trans­mis­sions” that bypass the ratio­nal mind (also my ratio­nal mind!) Later I deco­de them thro­ugh con­tem­pla­tion. You can read more here:

Behind each of my art col­la­ges, the­re­’s a real-life, mul­ti­di­men­sio­nal rela­tion­ship sto­ry that is both arche­ty­pal and per­so­nal. And a mul­ti­tu­de of hard to belie­ve syn­chro­ni­ci­ties. In case you won­der, I have to grow into my own artwork too, by inte­gra­ting within the codes that are the­re. I’m just a visu­al sto­ry-tel­ler or “an expres­sio­nist pain­ter making a futu­ri­stic dra­wing”… sen­sing things ahe­ad of my time and trans­la­ting them into artwork, hel­ping to trans­mu­te pla­ne­ta­ry arche­ty­pes and dre­aming new reali­ties into exi­sten­ce. Will you join me?

My art col­la­ges are always hand-made from paper and other suita­ble mate­rials. Out of prac­ti­cal need, I have deve­lo­ped my own art tech­ni­que that inc­lu­des using inter­chan­ge­able ele­ments, thus I can cre­ate alter­na­ti­ve ver­sions of the same paper art col­la­ge witho­ut digi­tal mani­pu­la­tion.

If you like my artwork and feel cal­led to sup­port me, you may DONATE via Pay­Pal. Even small dona­tions will be deeply appreciated.


More deta­iled infor­ma­tion ava­ila­ble on request.
I spe­ak English fluently.

Art Collage Gallery

by Milena Bianga

On Both Sides of the Looking Glass

Quest for Harmony Between the Inner Feminine and the Inner Masculine 

“Fate be chan­ged, look insi­de. Mend the bond torn by pride.” 

From the movie “Brave” (Merida)

A friendly disclaimer: This channelled, energy-encoded art is highly transformative so you are entering this space at your own risk. You gaze, you transform.
Deep transformation is pretty unglamorous and messy… yet achingly beautiful. And the “holy mess” leads to rebirth.
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