What we are healing IN OURSELVES, we are helping to transform IN ALL.
Matt Kahn, “Everything Is Here to Help You”
My channeled paper art collages are energy-encoded and are intended for “gazing contemplation”. You gaze, you transform. Having said that, people’s feedback suggests an oral transmission from me is a necessary element of the rewiring process.
Together my art collages form an ever-evolving system of mystical gates or portals. The system is designed to:
- assist you in deep shadow work (no mud, no lotus!)
- facilitate your self-discovery journey
- help you to transform the inner conflict between the masculine and the feminine energies by supporting better synchronization of your left (masculine) and right (feminine) brain hemispheres
- lead you to your greater personal integrity and inner balance
- help you to gradually re-remember your own sovereignty and organic divinity
It all depends on you, your commitment, and your level of maturity, of course.
This gift for visionary art has opened in me as a result of doing a profound Buddhist dharma practice called Prajña Akasagarbha (“wisdom hidden in the womb of space”). My art collages are downloads from the Universe or “magical transmissions” that bypass the rational mind (also my rational mind!) Later I decode them through contemplation. You can read more here: https://creativa.zone/about-my-collages/
Behind each of my art collages, there’s a real-life, multidimensional relationship story that is both archetypal and personal. And a multitude of hard to believe synchronicities. In case you wonder, I have to grow into my own artwork too, by integrating within the codes that are there. I’m just a visual story-teller or “an expressionist painter making a futuristic drawing”… sensing things ahead of my time and translating them into artwork, helping to transmute planetary archetypes and dreaming new realities into existence. Will you join me?
My art collages are always hand-made from paper and other suitable materials. Out of practical need, I have developed my own art technique that includes using interchangeable elements, thus I can create alternative versions of the same paper art collage without digital manipulation.
If you like my artwork and feel called to support me, you may DONATE via PayPal. Even small donations will be deeply appreciated.