Contemplating with The Gene Keys
Dreaming with The Dream Arc
I’m going to write about some extremely challenging and sensitive topics and am still in the process of learning how to do it with personal integrity and dignity. For this very reason it may take me some considerable time but it WILL happen (unless I die earlier, of course.)
I’m not a Gene Keys Guide. I simply fell deeply in love with the Gene Keys while translating into Polish some of the core materials of the transmission. The transmission quite literally overtook me, and I couldn’t leave it even if I wanted (and I don’t.) There was a time when I really, really wanted to join the ranks of the Gene Keys Guides, but my finances were the major problem (and still are). Then a badass storm happened and most spiritual titles lost any meaning to me. I realized this: my ultimate goal is not to become anything or anybody, but to free myself from ancestral bondage and fully re-remember my own organic Divine Sovereignty. (Preferrably, with the use of the Gene Keys transmission.) Sometimes titles are not the sign of embodied wisdom but instead just lead to unearned entitlements. Personally, I want to make sure I will not fall into this trap.
To find out which parts I’ve translated into Polish, please visit:
What Are The Gene Keys and The Dream Arc?
The Gene Keys:
“The Gene Keys are a grand synthesis of practical wisdom to help guide you to a deeper understanding of yourself and your true potential. Like a precious treasure map, they invite you on a journey of self discovery to find the true higher purpose of your life.”
Richard Rudd, The Gene Keys. Embracing your higher purpose
The Dream Arc:
“A rich and highly unique journey designed to expand your creativity, unlock your intuitive wisdom and connect you to the deep ancestral power of the earth and her creatures.”
Decoding My Artwork with The Gene Keys and The Dream Arc: My Personal Contemplations
The Gene Keys have proven to be incredibly helpful for me in decrypting the messages hidden in my channeled art collages. Also, sometimes I spontaneously channel artwork while reading the Gene Keys books/materials. I discovered I had interwoven the Gene Keys into the fabric of my artwork long before I consciously learnt about their existence! How is that possible? To find out, I encourage you to watch Richard Rudd’s video on termas (hidden treasures) and tertons (treasure-revealers):
Below are some of the themes I’ve been exploring with the help of the Gene Keys, especially through the lens of the Gene Keys mentioned in the brackets. These Gene Keys may not seem obvious choices for the subject matter but, obviously, I’m looking at things through the lens of my own Hologenetic Profile and my own lived experiences. At some point these topics will become blog posts.
- Tiger Street 34⁄18 (Gene Keys 3, 18 and 34)
- Who loves daughters of Kali? Initiating through destruction
- Under the eclipsed sun, or “purging of the priesthood” (Chiron, The Wounded Healer, and Gene Key 36)
- Here comes Ms Scissors (Atropos): What’s not appreciated is taken away
- Heart Assassins (Gene Key 3)
- Black belt in integrity: About double standards (Gene Key 18)
- Dark horse, late entry: The power of the underdog
- And her name was 44.4: Karmic relationships (Gene Key 44, of course)
- Too much to die, too little to live: Stuck between worlds
- “Giving without entitlement, receiving without guilt”: Shadow giving and shadow receiving (Gene Key 37)
- “Eyes wide shut”: About scapegoating (Gene Key 37)
- Mesmerising power of “vampires”: Archetypal dynamics between “vampires” and “blood donors” (Gene Keys 37 and 40)
- Via Creativa: Art for liberation. The transformative power of art
- Black dress, red dress: Recovering Persephone (Gene Key 12)
- Fantastic Mr Fox: What are we ready to do to get our own way? (Gene Key 26)
- Skydancing: Dakini power
- Generous beggar: A real-life story
- Veiled bloodlines (Gene Keys 44 and 32)
- Is “all escape futile”? Fate, destiny and free will
- Pattern breaking: Inside job
- Fighting for the rights of the excluded: Eris, the Sacred Disrupter (Gene Keys 21, 7 and 20)
- “Money, money, money, must be funny in the rich man’s world” (Gene Key 54)
- Window seat: Turning a blind eye to stay in our own comfort zone. About indifference (Gene Key 16)
- Hunger Games: “You eat like this, you will believe anything” (the Wound of Starvation and the Third Sacred Seal)
- Never underestimate the power of projection (Gene Key 9)
- “Warriors move gracefully”: About true loyalty (Gene Keys 38 and 39)
- Fiery heart, fiery mind
- Shooting the messenger: Burning people at the stake of our own projections
- Cutting through spiritual materialism: The lure of spiritual titles
- Willing and able to have a lose grip on what I know: Breaking away from any dogma
- The Heart is noble (the Venus Sequence in general)
- May my lips be unsealed: Reclaiming the power of my voice
- “Tse-tse fly, the most dangerous fly in the world”: About the Core Wound of Shame/Starvation (Gene Key 20.3)
- Smoke and mirrors
Criss-crossing Your Hologenetic Profile / Human Design Chart with astrological symbols: My Professional Offer
I’m willing and able to connect your personal Gene Keys/Human Design reports with certain astrological symbols, such as Sabian Symbols (another great passion of mine!), and/or with Angels of the Zodiac (not what you probably think) etc. According to my personal experience, it’s very revealing and adds some extra layers of depth and precision to your Gene Keys/Human Design explorations.
If interested, please inquire via e‑mail for a session (see the button below). Currently this service is donation based.